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Storytelling,即讲故事的能力在当代社会中是一种非常重要的软实力。在人与人直接的语言沟通中,善于讲故事的人往往能立刻抓住听众的兴趣,通过故事情节的逐步展开阐述自己的观点,并获得听众的认可。而 Storytelling 也早已不限于单纯的语言表达。无论是绘画,写文章,弹琴,唱歌,带领团队,设计产品,策划活动,拍摄电影,制作动画,为投资人介绍创业项目等等,都是在讲故事。而会讲故事,能讲出高质量的故事的人更容易引发共鸣,也更容易拓展自己的影响力并获得成功。
授课老师毕业于电影和戏剧专业,目前在一个儿童剧院担任副主管的职位,负责原创剧本创作和指导学生学习舞台剧表演。由老师指导和导演的原创舞台剧已经多达 30 多部。这位老师性格阳光活跃,善于和学生们打成一片,深受孩子和家长们的喜爱。
Week 1
- Class Introductions
- Introduction to Folktales: Fables, Fairytales, Myths, Tall Tales and Legends
- Storytelling vs Story Reading: Making a story your own
- Vocal exercises
- Assignment for last week of class (storytelling performance)
Week 2- Fables
- Fables are narrative tales that feature talking animals/creatures and a moral/lesson
- Teacher reads/tells Fables
- Discussion, identification of morals/lessons
- Vocal exercises
- Tongue Twisters and Enunciation Game
- What's The Moral Game
Week 3- Tall Tales
- Tall Tales are fictional narratives that focus on exaggerated or unbelievable events, but are told as if they were true.
- Teacher tells a Tall Tale.
- Discussion
- Vocal exercises
- Emotive Reading/Exaggeration Game
Week 4- Myths
- Myths are fictional tales, often aimed at explaining origin or phenomenon and featuring supernatural characters.
- Teacher tells a Myth.
- Vocal exercises
- Mythology Game
Week 5- Fairytales
- Fairytales are short stories, often involving fantastical beasts, talking animals and magic.
- Teacher tells a fairytale.
- Discussion
- Vocal Exercises
- Guess My Favorite Fairytale Game
Week 6- Legends
- Legends are fictonal, yet told as if they are a true part of history.
- Teacher reads a Legend.
- Discussion
- Vocal Exercises
- Improvisational Legends Game
Week 7- Scary Stories
- Scary stories exist in every genre and sometimes seek to teach a lesson, but always seek to frighten and exhilarate the reader/audience.
- Teacher tells a scary story
- Discussion
- Vocal Exercises
- Scary Voice Inflection Game (Spooky Voices)
Week 8-Performances! Each child will present the story they have learned for the class!
Week 1– Introduction
Class Structure (6 weeks story performance, 4 weeks story crafting/creation)
3 Tools of Storytelling (voice, face, hands/body)
Warmups and Tongue Twisters
Emotion Game
Hear a Story
Repeat the Story
Homework: Learn assigned story (with provided outline) for next week!
Week 2– Story Outlines
Warmups and Tongue Twisters
Kids tell stories they were assigned
Teacher tells a story
Class makes a story skeleton of that story, together
Homework: Assign stories to outline for next week
Week 3– More Story Skeletons!
Warmups and Tongue Twisters
Kids present their skeletons, discuss details
Play story game with group creating an original story with an already existing Story Skeleton
Homework: Take your Story Skeleton and practice telling (not reading!) the story for next week!
Week 4– Tell A Story!
Warmups and Tongue Twisters
Students practice their stories
Discuss areas for Improvement/Compliment Sandwiches
Students Choose a new story to outline and tell, for next week.
Week 5– Stories!
Warm-ups and Tongue Twisters
Present Stories
Play Game
Students Choose a new story to outline and tell, for next week.
Week 6– Perform Final Story
Warm-ups and Tongue Twisters
Present Stories
Play Game
Discuss Part 2
Week 7– Fundamentals of Story
Setting, Genre, Characters
Plot and Story Arch
Character Game
Homework: Worksheet about Character, Setting, Story Arch/Skeleton
Week 8– Workshop Day 1!
Share your characters, settings, story arch with the class
Make a story skeleton, as a class.
Tell the outlined story, as a class!
Homework: Finalize your Story Skeleton and practice telling your story!
Week 9– Workshop Day 2!
Warmups and Tongue Twisters
Share Story Skeletons , perform and workshop stories
Story Games
Homework- Practice, Practice, Practice!
Week 10– Perform Your Story!
Warmups and Tongue Twisters
Perform stories!
在上课前,请您确保和孩子做好以下的准备,以免耽误上课。- 家长们协助孩子安装上课软件 Zoom,协助孩子调试设备,方便进行线上学习。
- 上课前请家长确认电脑或 iPad 的充电状态,以防临时没电。
- 上课期间请尽量保持家里环境的安静。
- 上课时学生 Zoom 镜头必须打开,让老师能看到学生。
- Zoom 的名字必须是报名上课孩子的名字,课堂只限已报名学生,否则老师将会要求离开课室进行调整。
- 让孩子熟悉使用 Zoom 的静音,Chat,和举手的功能。
- 为保证课程顺利进行,工作人员将参与上课,进行协助和监督。
- 请家长监督孩子完成作业,按时在 Google Classroom 里提交给老师。
- 报名后无法成班将全额退款
- 第一节课开始之前可以全额退款
- 第一节课结束后可以退课(扣除第一节课的费用),剩余课时费作为积分退回账户;也可以安排换课。
- 第二节课之后就不能退课也不能再换课。
- 因学生原因导致缺课将提供录像,不能退费或者退积分
如果您对课程或老师有任何疑问,欢迎您通过以下方式联系客服。- 电子邮件
- 热线电话:+1 972-696-9539

适合年级 | 1年级, 2年级, 3年级, 4年级, 5年级, 6年级, 7年级, 8年级, K年级 |
教学语言 | 英文教学 |
选择课程 | 中级提高班周日(1-3年级), 初级基础班 周日 |
by Lam, Helen (verified owner)
这个课程给孩子一个练习说话的机会, 在说故事中练习整理思绪,表达内容,孩子非常喜欢这样的课程。